
Making Beautiful Personalized Baby Gift Baskets

Trying to find the perfect gift for the Mother to be, make a personalized baby gift basket. It’s easy and simple to put together one making it unique by adding your own special touch to it. Making a personalized baby gift basket will be one present that will truly stand out and will be treasured greatly by mom to be at the baby shower. You can make gift baskets for new baby with a pink theme if its going to be a girl, a blue theme for a boy and if you don’t know what it is going to be you can use either yellow or green for theme colors which would suit girl or boy.

Making a personalized baby gift basket for friends or loved ones is a very easy project to take on. Mothers to be love receiving baby gift baskets because each one is unique and different from the next one. They can contain a variety of items the Mother will need and use as the baby goes through the first year.

You will want to get a feel for what the new parents are in need of and what they like when their bundle of joy makes its first appearance to the World. You need to start by picking out what you want to arrange and place the items in and around, like a wooden baby cradle, baby bath tub or a very large white, blue or pink basket. Use your creativity and imagination your options are almost limitless.

You will need to purchase basket filler, which is available at all craft stores and comes in many, many different colors. While you are at the craft store go ahead and pick up some thin satin ribbon in various colors that will go with your personalized baby gift basket theme colors and a large beautiful full bow and a small bottle of craft glue.

Now comes the fun part, you get to add the items and arrange them in your personalized baby gift baskets. The main baby basket items to include are baby sleeper outfits, baby socks, baby booties, pacifiers, baby bottles disposable, stuffed animals, a night light, receiving blanket, baby nail clippers, package of small newborn diapers, teething rings, baby towels and anything else you feel like putting into your personalized baby gift basket. That’s what makes this gift so personal and unique from the rest.

Once you’re personalized baby gift basket you can put the finishing touches on it with the brightly colored thin ribbon and the large pretty bow you purchased. Take the ribbon and cut several medium length pieces in the different colors, tie these onto the baskets handle in the middle and then use your scissors to curl ribbons. Take your large bow and put a few dabs of craft glue or super glue on back of bow and press it into the middle of the ribbons on basket handle. There you are, you have made your own personalized baby gift basket. It is that simple to do.

Using a theme instead of just blue for boy, pink for girl, you could also use themes for basket specific holidays and tie that in to the personalized baby gift basket, it depends on what month the mom to be is having her shower as to which holiday you could use for decoration and theme ideas.

For an Easter themed personalized baby gift basket you could include Easter colors, an Easter bunny or chick and yellow, green, pink or blue items.

For a baby bath time personalized baby gift basket you could include baby shampoo, baby soaps, baby wipes, baby manicure set, and towel for drying baby, baby booties, baby pajamas, baby brush, baby lotion and some disposable diapers.

A new baby is a wonderful and miraculous gift to the mom and dad to be, not to mention the rest of the family. Make their day more treasured by making a personalized baby gift basket and show them your love and support in this joyous time in their lives.